Resort Reviews for Marriotts Beach Place Towers

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Arrived a little early Not enough staff to handle the 0 queue Waited for twenty minutes to find room not ready, please come back later. 3:30pm still no room Pay the extra and stay at the real marriot this place was not friendly

George Long

Our unit overlooks the Intercoastal Waterway and the city of Fort Lauderdale.This building is family friendly with a great front desk and housekeeping staff.It is close to the beach and the city.Lots of entertainment bith in the building and near-by.Great value.


Our unit has two private balconies overlooking tje Atlantic Ocean and the Intercoastal Waterway. 3 color tvs and full service kitchen, two bath. Childrens play area, fitness center, 7th flr pool deck Free parking for 1 auto on premises. Fishing, golf, tennis, and boating area all nearby.

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