Resort Reviews for Legends Resort and Country Club

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Never ever go there.there is lead contamition in the water, the resort is almost bankrupt, I have a reliable source that says the Resort is on a 90 suspension from RCI for quality issues and is being used by section 8 people to subsidize the operation.only 4th and 5th floors of the east wing are refurbished and only have about 20 units out of 500 that are habitable.Pools are not in working order no tennis onsite due to lack of maintence and the facility grounds are grown over.I have seen photos and it reminds me of the Overlook Hotel in the movie The Shinning. You would be a fool to stay here.It would be worth the cost of NYC not to have to go there.


Legends Resort & Country Club is located only 1 1/2 hours from New York City! Amenities include skiing in the winter, waterpark activities in the summer, golfing, tennis, indoor and outdoor pools, horseback riding, whirlpool/hot tub, lift/elevator,and more.

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