Wyndham Kingsgate lets you discover the ways of the past among the luxuries of modern living. While your stay at this timeshare resort, enjoy the recreation area, indoor and outdoor pools, tanning bed, miniature golf, and resort masseuse. Wyndham Kingsgate features an indoor and two outdoor swimming pools for your sunbathing or relaxing pleasure. Host your own barbeque at the picnic/BBQ area. Kids of all ages can check out the state-of-the-art video gaming complex. For pre-teens and teens, tennis, mini golf and the Wii gaming complex are always a draw. Couples enjoy fitness center workouts, water aerobics, Casino Night or Game Show Mania and cocktails at the Tavern. Hungry appetites will be satisfied at King's Fare restaurant.
Wyndham Kingsgate is not only close to historic Williamsburg in proximity, but its decor and atmosphere also embody the region's Colonial spirit. This peaceful resort retreat is furnished in the style of the period, yet it offers all the modern amenities and activities that will make your stay a very enjoyable experience. Resort amenities include 2 outdoor swimming pools, 2 tennis courts, restaurant, playground, miniature golf, indoor swimming pool, outdoor hot tub, game room, picnic/barbeque area, and exercise equipment. Colonial Williamsburg is famous for history, and American History as it was in the 1800's is all yours for exploring with guided tours and an authentic tavern visit, as well as lots of shopping, restaurants and so much more. Jamestown and Yorktown are also nearby and will complete your travels through the Historic Triangle. You can also find the Williamsburg Pottery Factory, museums and historic sites like the Watermen's Museum and Berkeley Plantation. The nation's freedom was won in nearby Yorktown, in the decisive battle of the American Revolution. You can bring the family for the day, or the week, and find so many things to do. If you want to relax a little, world-class spas are available. Browsing through quaint shops, theatre, arts, crafts and antiques are just a few other things you can enjoy and do while in Williamsburg.
Another beautiful resort opportunity is Parkside Resort. Parkside Resort is located in the historic triangle of Jamestown, Yorktown and Williamsburg. This is the newest resort in Williamsburg. The excellent location provides easy access to activities, including Busch Gardens, Water Country USA, Colonial Williamsburg, the Yorktown battlefields, and visits to Jamestown Prime. There is plenty to do all around this resort.
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