Timeshare Resales by Timeshare Travel

Below is a list of discount timeshares for sale by Timeshare Travel. If you are interested in one, contact this timeshare company directly by clicking on their name in the ads below. Timeshare Travel timeshares are available for sale here. SOLD weeks are purged from this list.


Records 1 to 25 of 25

Week Resort Name City/State Beds/
(click name below to contact)
Weekly Price (USD) Comments
Float Grandview at Las Vegas Las Vegas
2 / 2 8 Contact : Jim Jewkes $1,200.00
Float Vacation Village at Parkway Kissimmee
2 / 2 8 Contact : James Jewkes $500.00
Float Worldmark by Wyndham Points and Credits Anywhere
2 / 2 6 Contact : James Jewkes $2,000.00
Float Vacation Village at Parkway Kissimmee
2 / 2.5 8 Contact : James Preston $5,000.00
Float Grandview at Las Vegas Las Vegas
2 / 2 8 Contact : Jim Jewkes $600.00
Float Fox Hills Resort Mishicot
2 / 2 6 Contact : Jim Jewkes $100.00
Float Tahiti Village Las Vegas
2 / 2 6 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $1,200.00
Float Tahiti Village Las Vegas
1 / 1 4 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $800.00
Float Island Links Resort Hilton Head Island
South Carolina
3 / 2 8 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $1,000.00
Float Vacation Village at Parkway Kissimmee
2 / 2 8 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $500.00
Float Westgate Vacation Villas Kissimmee
2 / 2 8 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $1,000.00
Float Westgate Vacation Villas Kissimmee
2 / 2 8 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $800.00
Float Kahana Beach Vacation Club Lahaina, Maui
St / 1 4 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $500.00
Float Kahana Falls Maui
2 / 2 6 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $1,000.00
Float Kahana Falls Maui
2 / 2 6 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $1,000.00
Float Sands of Kahana Lahaina, Maui
2 / 2 8 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $1,000.00
Float Westgate Flamingo Bay Club Las Vegas
2 / 2 6 Contact : James Jewkes $800.00
Float Kimball, The Salt Lake City
1 / 1 4 Contact : James Jewkes $500.00
Float Stardust - Tahoe South Lake Tahoe
St / 1 2 Contact : James Jewkes $800.00
Float Jockey Club, The Las Vegas
/ varies points Contact : James j $800.00
Float Hyatt Grand Aspen Aspen
/ varies points Contact : James Jewkes $1,000.00
12 Vacation Village at Bonaventure Weston
2 / 2 6 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $800.00
28 Wyndham Resort at Fairfield Harbour/Windjammer Villas II New Bern
North Carolina
2 / 2 6 Contact : James Jewkes $1,000.00
33 Summer Bay Resort Kissimmee
2 / 2 6 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $500.00
34 Vacation Village in the Berkshires Hancock
2 / 2 6 Contact : JAMES JEWKES $1,000.00

Records 1 to 25 of 25

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