Resort Reviews for Royal Host Club at Holly Bluff Marina

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Kathy Mellembakken

Great boat & FANTASTIC DIVING at Blue Springs State Park, we paid a $10 fee to dive. We descended, at 60 ft we made a couple of big wraps around the “Go no further without Cave Training sign” & we continued down. The walls were off white & smooth. This was like no cave I had been in before. This cave was “Deep and Demanding!” Every 10-20 ft there were ledges on either side, we went down tunnels, rocks were all kinds of shapes, colors & textures. The crack in the center of the floor spewed water with such intensity you could feel the turbulence all over your body. Dive 1: 10:57 AM, SI: 22:56,S: William, Andrea, Matt, A: 32%, D: 100ft plan, 115ft max, D: 30 minutes 36 minute rt, D: Floor, D: 60ft deep, 20/3 10/3, PSI: 3400 start 2500 end.

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