Resort Reviews for Holiday Beach Resort Soundside

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Evelyn George

This place is a home away from home! We loved the room, the pool, the sound and walking next door to the little bar and restaurant. We visited in 2007, went to Holiday Beach Resort-Destin last year and will be back to Soundside this year as it is so much more enjoyable! Our timeshare is in Maui and we prefer to come here!

William McCoy

I stayed at the resort in the first week of march 2006. As a whole I enjoyed my visit considerably and would return there again. There was still minor rebuilding going on from last years hurricanes, however it was mainly limited to lanscaping and such. The actual facilites were complete and in pristine shape. I really only have two negatives. There was not an internet connection there, which is inconvieniant to myself but may not matter to you. Additionally, the three grills were shared between all the condos. I never saw them all in use at the same time, but that also made it inconvieniant to have to take your food there to grill and eat down there or bring it back. Personally they were minor complaints and I look forward to going back.


This resort is on beautiful Pensacola Beach Sound. It is a private beach w/pier, right across the street from the Gulf of Mexico. Has a large patio w/outdoor grills and picnic areas, outdoor pool, hot tub and tennis courts.

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